It's Sat. morning,
Sitting at the "Cable Car" coffee place on Market St. by the train station, making pigeon noise back at the pigeons, dumping out the crumbs from my bagel, scurrying along as I wait for Pearl Paints to open in about 20 mins.
Enjoying watching people walk by as much as the April Nectar tea I'm sipping. I'm noticing this animated older fellow, saying "Hi" to everyone, shaking his coffee cup in hopes for come change in return for a smile or a warm "hello".
My mind is so funny, I'm noticing all the thoughts of judgment whizzing by, the thoughts of wanting to give advice. Noticing all these suggestions I'd be so quick to give. Like, I know what would be good for him. It's just so funny to me - thinking "I know". What do I know know?
The only thing I really know is how to know, haha. To use what I know in order to know more. What would it be like to know how to "not know"? To realize when "I know", that that "knowing" is really fallible in the overall design of what there is to know, of all the "knowing" that's out there - creating meaning from thought to identification, to assessment to judgment jumps my monkey mind.
To know that that "knowing" my only be useful in that moemtn and let it go the next. To know nothing, to be empty - aahh - bliss.
...At the moment, I feel content simply sipping on this African Nectar and laughing to me myself :-).
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