So, it's been an incredibly long hiatus since I've posted anything new. Through the various trials and tribulations of life, I now find myself in San Francisco, at the last semester of school at CIIS embarking on an amazing opportunity. This semester we are called to create a project in an area that inspires us.
There are few things I've been toying with:
The first is a novel that has been beating inside of my for about 3 years now about a female character who goes through an incredible journey of discovering herself, of grappling with her own identity and even sexuality at times. She starts her experience of herself in one context-the world she grew up in and so closely identified herself with and then through a dislocation ends up shattering that context situating herself in whole new world and world view. Yeah, sorry, a bunch of big words and heady thoughts, but I don't want to give it away! :-) ...
So that's the first endeavor
The other is actually something that has been beating inside of me for nearly a decade and that's a vision of finally pursuing creating educational curriculum which combines conventional education, transformational education, and service education in indigenous countries - yup, gonna be a bit of a long road and a little off the beaten path, but I feel like I've finally found my calling! I love kids and have worked with them in a number of capacities.
If I could provide a structure where kids can learn math, reading, etc. as well as learning to build communities of acceptance, love, and connection while having the option of mastering their local trade craft, they would be incredibly empowered to design their own life. Anyhow, I'm a big dork and could probably fill up pages and pages of why and what I envision.
I think that's it for now, I'll be sure to update MUCH more frequently moving forward!